Wednesday, August 13, 2008


so shimla is a beautiful little india/english town up in the hills. its rainy and chlly and foggy and there are monkeys around everywhere, along with lazy dogs!

here is a pile of dogs that laid in this same spot for hours, nothing seemed to bother them, not people, cars, other dogs!
heres a pic of the people strolling on the street, there are no cars in central shimla and everyone just walks around and chats and looks in stores and such, its really cute.
see the fog? the buildings were also so cute, hybrids of english cottages and indian cement buildings.

loooook who india loves!!! me too obama beast!pretty sunset over the hills!


Pops said...

hi my favorite tracelers. Looks like a laid back place. What is your short term itenery? If u have I'd love to see it, so I can track u on the big India map Maggie got me. We've had a rainy spell so no flying yet. I anxiously await every up date! Send more often if u can.
I love u so much

lizcannon said...

wow, sooooo pretty! i also love your outfit. take pics of chris so we know he's alive. those dogs are funny. how come it's so foggy... is it really low in between mtns (in CO called "a pass")?
I love you so much and can't believe you're in India.