here we are at the public library in seattle, it is a very cool building
josh, lindsay, chris and sus at crater lake in oregon
this is josh's back covered in mosquitos!
lin and josh and crater lake
us, after we jumped in! very cold, like 38 degrees cold!
1. lindsay, cute haircut, and we have the same sunglasses.
2. chris looks stoned in almost every pic
3. beautiful lake
4. i love you and hope you made it safe to chicago.
Hope your there safe and sound. My Indian Dr. said its best to identify yourselves as Canadians to people untill u get to know them as they (like the rest of the world) think we're snobs (of course most americans are). He said much of indias antiquities are located in and around New and Old Deaila. Said u cant get to Tibet, but can view Hymalayias from within India. He said the only problems come from the muslim militiant population. They set off explosive devisces to harm innicoents and create fear. but im so happy for your journey to have begun. may each day reveal new wonders. keep us up to date
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